Friday, December 30, 2005

am i ok enough??

someone mailed this to me...

Dear Dian…

I already read your blog. And it’s so terrible.
What’s wrong with u? I thought you are a tough girl and have good personality.
But after I read it… it seems you don’t know where you have to go in this life.
I hope I’m wrong interpreting it.

Well sorry if I ask you about question above?
But if you want to tell something or you need something you can tell me or ****.


dan gue justru jadi bertanya...
am i not ok?
dan tanpa perlu berlama2 bertanya2 dalam hati, gue bisa langsung jawab pertanyaan yg gue ajukan sendiri itu...

there's nobody in this world is REALLY OK...
then what about this?
"i know, i'm ok enough for my life..."

buat yg ngirim email: makasih ya,,tapi percaya deh, gue gapapa,,this is just a blog,,sometimes you just have to write without knowing why you have to do it, right??

Sunday, December 25, 2005

tears in christmas night

untuk apa aku iri pada sesuatu yang memang tak mungkin kupunyai

termasuk untuk menangis di hari natal

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

live 4 today

jika sebuah tawa harus dihentikan
mengapa ada jeda di antaranya
aku belajar...
bahwa jika esok takkan lagi ada
jalani saja apa yang ada hari ini

foto diambil pas psycamp 02-041205 di persawahan yg KEREN banget pemandangannya (sayang ga bisa keliatan)


Sunday, December 11, 2005

forgotten not forgotten ;)

melupakan seseorang memang tak mudah
tapi membuat seseorang melupakan kita...itu jauh lebih sulit


Friday, December 09, 2005

quotes from armageddon

pernah nonton armageddon dong pastinya, inget sama dialog ini?
kalo agak2 lupa, dialog ini adanya pas aj mau pergi ke space dan mereka lagi ngabisin waktu berdua di padang apa gitu...

nyway, this is my favorite quotes from it...

Grace : Baby, do you think that it is possible that anyone else in this world doing this very same thing on this very same moment?

AJ : I hope so. I don't know what else we're trying to save...

(ternyata udah lama juga gue ga nulis blog)