someone mailed this to me...
Dear Dian…
I already read your blog. And it’s so terrible.
What’s wrong with u? I thought you are a tough girl and have good personality.
But after I read it… it seems you don’t know where you have to go in this life.
I hope I’m wrong interpreting it.
Well sorry if I ask you about question above?
But if you want to tell something or you need something you can tell me or ****.
dan gue justru jadi bertanya...
am i not ok?
dan tanpa perlu berlama2 bertanya2 dalam hati, gue bisa langsung jawab pertanyaan yg gue ajukan sendiri itu...
Dear Dian…
I already read your blog. And it’s so terrible.
What’s wrong with u? I thought you are a tough girl and have good personality.
But after I read it… it seems you don’t know where you have to go in this life.
I hope I’m wrong interpreting it.
Well sorry if I ask you about question above?
But if you want to tell something or you need something you can tell me or ****.
dan gue justru jadi bertanya...
am i not ok?
dan tanpa perlu berlama2 bertanya2 dalam hati, gue bisa langsung jawab pertanyaan yg gue ajukan sendiri itu...
there's nobody in this world is REALLY OK...
then what about this?
"i know, i'm ok enough for my life..."
buat yg ngirim email: makasih ya,,tapi percaya deh, gue gapapa,,this is just a blog,,sometimes you just have to write without knowing why you have to do it, right??