by: deep blue something
You say we've got nothing in common
No common ground to start from
And we're falling apart
You say the world has come between us
Our lives have come between us
But I know you just don't care
And I said "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?"
She said "I think I remember the film
And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"
And I said "Well, that's the one thing we've got"
I see you, the only one who knew me
But now your eyes see through me
I guess I was wrong
So what now? It's plain to see we're over
I hate when things are over
When so much is left undone
gue YAKIN lagu ini mengingatkan gue akan satu kejadian, TAPI sampe sekarang gue belom juga berhasil me-recall kejadian itu dari ingatan gue. Duh!
msh tdk bis mengingat jg? makanya dee, jgn terlalu sering me-repress. he3x...
yang gue inget, kejadian itu berhubungan dengan psiko...hahaha...
repress??? repress tu apa ya, kak??? hehehehe...
gue inget sekarang!!!
ini lagu dinyanyiin pas OBRAS ke-2 gue! dinyanyiin bareng2 sama mas bob, dll.
hallah...kenangan banget, de! ;)
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